go down造句

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go down造句

#go down造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Well, first go down to the Train Station.嗯,首先,走到火车站。

2、"You go down that passageway over there."—"Which one?"“你顺着那边的过道走。”—“哪个过道?”

3、Shall we go down to the question of inspection我们谈一下商品检验问题好吗?

4、I must go down to the fishmonger 's-i need to buy some salmon for dinner.我得到鱼贩那儿去,我必须买些鲑鱼做晚餐。

5、A glass of beer would go down well一杯啤酒就行了。

6、CPI likely to go down gradually.居民消费价格指数呈现逐步下降趋势。

7、You will go down slow, sir, I suppose?' she said with attempted unconcern.我想下山时你会慢些走吧,先生?

8、A single mistake and all that time and money would go down the drain.只要发生一个错误,全部的时间和金钱就将尽付东流。

9、Howard: All right. Tell you what. Let's go down to the Entomology Department.好吧,这样吧我们下楼去昆虫学系。

10、You must go down to earth and help man plough, so that they will be able to get three meals a day.你一定要下去地球帮助人类犁耕,使他们能一天吃三顿饭。

11、B: Go down this street and turn right at the second intersection.沿着这条街走下去,在第二个十字路口右转。

12、And David said to Uriah, Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet.大卫对乌利亚说,你回家去,洗洗脚吧。

13、Go down this street, turn left at the fourth crossroad.沿着这条街走,在第四个十字路口向左拐。

14、Now shall we go down to the maters concerning shipping?我认为现在我们应该讨论一下运输问题了。

15、More and more of this plate, the ocean floor, would go down under the continent into the mantle.越来越多的这种板块,即海床,将在大陆下方进入地幔。

16、I had to go down on the floor to clean the room.为打扫房间我只好跪在地板上。

17、Go down this street, and turn to the left at the first crossing.沿着这条街走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。

18、That may go down oddly with BNP supporters who venerate Britain’s wartime glory days.(英国国家党成员的支持者们在这个问题上臭味相同,这伙人崇敬不列颠战时的光荣岁月)。

19、A glass of beer would go down well.一杯啤酒就行了。

20、Do I need to go down the stairs?我要下楼吗?

21、If it is safe, go down to the ground floor.如果安全的话,向下一直走到底层。

22、No, you will go down to the depths.(或作你将要升到天上吗)将来必坠落阴间。

23、Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.也许我们该去图书馆调查一下。

24、Go down through the garden, dig up the radishes!到花园去,把萝卜拱出来!

25、You can go down the river in a boat if you wish如果您有兴趣,您可乘小船顺流而下观赏风景。

26、Cadres often go down to the grass roots.干部常常深入基层。

27、When you find a staircase down, go down and come up.当你找到下去的阶梯时,试着走下去再走上来。

28、Let's go down here.我们从这下去吧。

29、Men who go down to the sea in ships在海上干活的人们。

30、This project will go down to the wire.(这个计画将到最后的阶段。)

go down翻译下去, 下沉, 坠落, 被接受, 咽下, 平静下来, 下降, 传下去 详情




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